



I have been using Symmetric (Rijndael) Key Algorithm ( for a while to encrypt an ID. Then I URL encode the encrypted version of the ID and pass it in the query string. When I retrieve the ID from the query string, I URL decode it first and I decrypt it.

A problem came up recently. If the encrypted ID has both "spaces" and "+" (eg "abc ef+g), URL-encoding it changes all "spaces" to "+". This is a problem when I URL-decode the ID since I don't know which "+" was a "+" and which "+" was a "space".

If there an option that I can pick the output character set to be only the alphabet (ie the encrypted ID only uses A-Z)? Or if there any other 2 way encryption algorithm that has th option for me to pick the output character set?

Or I guess my last option would be to manually replace "+" in the encrypted ID with something like "_SPACE_"



Well, to answer your question at a basic level: Yes, encode the encrypted result in base64.

But I must admit, I'm pretty concerned about your approach in general.

Noon Silk
What can I do to pass an encrypted ID in the querystring?
Well your method is fine enough, but I just wonder why you are using an approach like this, as opposed to say just a general login system to determine who can do that.
Noon Silk
This ID is not a user ID. It's a PK of a table in my database. For security reason, I don't want the user to know the exact ID.
The general solution for that, then, would be to store a GUID against the row as well, and use that as the public identifier. Encryption is just wasting the time of your server.
Noon Silk

you should take a look at how I decided to manage my way of hiding id (in my case guid, but can be any encrypted string)



You need to URL encode your encrypted ID when passed as query parameters.

I prefer an URL-safe version of Base64 for anything used in query parameters or cookies.

ZZ Coder
I use HttpUtility.UrlEncode() to urlencode my encrypted ID. If my encrypted ID is "abc e+", the URLencoded ID is "abc+e+". How do I URLdecode "abc+e+" later on?
Your UrlEncode() is wrong. It should output "abc+e%2b". + should always be encoded. Besides, you shouldn't use space in the ID. It should be Base64-encoded string.
ZZ Coder
Yes, you are correct. It turned out that the problem was that I was getting the querystring with HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(), which already urldecodes the querstring. I also called HttpUtility.URLDecode(). So I ended up urldecoding twice.

Can you manually encode the URL so the spaces are changed to %20 instead of +?

Dave Webb
Thanks. I think I will also replace + with %2B manually.