



I am working with a team of 10 developers in enhancing an enterprise app built on .NET/C# and SQL Server 2005. The application is mature and large but there are lots of opportunities for improvement in terms of reusability, scalability and performance.

I would like to help in making the application more robust and would like to know where I could pick up suggestions/tips related to ASP.NET and SQL Server. As an example, I helped in adding Memcache to the application that made the application perform faster. I am not looking only for major enhancements - the smaller ones help too. One of the smaller changes we made was in creating a library that encrypts hidden data making the app more secure (Earlier, the hidden input form fields were not encrypted)

I haven't worked with larger apps before and my experience lacks in this area. Any online resources, websites, books, whitepapers, articles that would help me in my quest?

+1  A: 
  • Compress and optimize the ViewState.
  • Minify javascript
  • Sensitive data should never be on hidden fields (encrypted or not)

Also see this question, most of it applies to your question.

Mauricio Scheffer

I'm not sure how much your team focuses on usability, but I've been doing a lot of reading about it lately. Specifically, this book:

GUI Bloopers 2.0

If you make sure you're not committing any of the bloopers in there you'll be doing your users a huge favor. The most interesting section for me involved the perception of speed. Even if you optimize a certain algorithm to be faster, the users might still have the perception that it's slow. That's what really impacts how people feel about your app.

Shea Daniels