Is it possible to have something similar to an SQL 'WHERE' clause in a For Each
loop in VB.NET?
FOR EACH event IN events
'WHERE eventdate=getdate
Is it possible to have something similar to an SQL 'WHERE' clause in a For Each
loop in VB.NET?
FOR EACH event IN events
'WHERE eventdate=getdate
You can't do what you're describing in a for each loop. You can do it in a for loop in C#, but I don't think you can in VB .NET.
You really have multiple options about resolving this.
One way would be to do this:
For Each event As Event in events
If eventdate = getdate then
Continue For
End If
You can also do it using LINQ, but it's arguable in this case if that would help you.
Sure it is, this example should be enough to get you going:
For Each dvr As DataRowView In dv
If dvr("IsVisible") = False Then
Continue For
End If
' Do something here
in LINQ it would be (.NET 3.5 or higher)
For Each event in events.Where(Function(x) x.eventdate = getdate)
'Process event
And Non-Linq (.Net 2.0 or lower)
For Each event in events
If event.eventdate = getdate Then
'Process event
End If
With LINQ:
For Each p As Person In (From pers In Persons Where pers.Firstname = "Stefan")
'Only handle persons with first name "Stefan"
End Sub
My 2 cents:
If you are using VB 8.0 (.NET Framework 2.0) with List(Of T).FindAll:
Public Shared Sub Show()
Dim filtredEvents As List(Of Event) = New List(Of Event)().FindAll(Function (ByVal e As Event)
Return (e.EventDate = DateTime.Today)
End Function)
Dim anEvent As Event
For Each anEvent In filtredEvents
End Sub