I'm just learning f# so possibly I'm doing something very silly. Feel free to point me to the relevant documentation, I've searched but wasn't able to find. I am using Visual Studio 2010 beta on windows 7 (.Net 4.0).
Everything is going well with my first f# project. Well.. almost everything. In particular I'm writing a very simple linear interpolation function, with the following code:
let linterp (x:double) (xvalues:double list) (yvalues:double list) =
let num_els = xvalues.Length
if x <= xvalues.Head then
let result = yvalues.Head
elif x >= (List.rev xvalues).Head then
let result = (List.rev yvalues).Head
else for idx in [0 .. num_els] do
if List.nth xvalues idx >= x then
let x0 = xvalues.Item idx
let y0 = yvalues.Item idx
let x1 = xvalues.Item (idx+1)
let y1 = yvalues.Item (idx+1)
let result = y0 + (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)*(x - x0)
and I am receiving a series of errors which completely elude my comprehension.
This is the list of errors and warnings:
"error in the return expression for this 'let'. Possible correct indentation" for the first, second and last "let".
"possible incorrect indentation: this token is offside of context started at position (39:10). Try indenting this token further or using standard formatting conventions " for the "if"
"incomplete structured construct at or before this point in expression" for the last line (result).
I will add that I had to sweat a bit to annotate the types, since for some reason unknown to me the compiler was able to infer correctly for the first list, but for the second the type was always inferred as unit Also, my original version didn't bind the name result, but simply "returned the expression", like in
if x <= xvalues.Head then
or in
else for idx in [0 .. num_els] do
if List.nth xvalues idx >= x then
let x0 = xvalues.Item idx
let y0 = yvalues.Item idx
let x1 = xvalues.Item (idx+1)
let y1 = yvalues.Item (idx+1)
y0 + (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)*(x - x0)
This leaves an error under the "for", saying that "This expression has type unit but is here used with type double" and that the "if" is possibly incorrectly indented.
I think that when I'll see the solution to this I'll feel silly, but I've been stuck on such a simple problem for more than an hour, so I am asking for your help.
Thanks in advance!
ps: I've checked that the tabs are correctly interpreted as spaces in the Tools->options->.... -> F#->Tabs menu
pps: this is my first question on SO :-)