



Which is a better practice? (I'm coding in .Net if that makes a difference)

IF condition = true THEN
   ...true action--even if rare...


IF condition = [most common condition] THEN
   ...most common action....
   ...least common action
+7  A: 

Go with the most readable version for your specific case, and by the way, don't compare a boolean expression to true and false. Use condition and Not condition (!condition in C#.)

if (condition == true) // bad
if (condition) // better
Mehrdad Afshari
Just curious, but why is if (condition == true) considered bad? Too wordy?
why is this bad??? It's very clear.
First, it just clutters up the code. The less you write, the less you'll need to read and understand. Also, there's a possibility you miss an equals sign and it becomes `if (condition = true)` which is not what you want. (Fortunately, the C# compiler will issue a warning, but why don't prevent it from the start?)
Mehrdad Afshari
my personal practice is to do if(condition) for true evaluation, and if(condition == false) for false evaluation. I find it too easy to miss if(!condition), plus I personally think it reads better "if not condition" vs. "if condition is false"
In VB, if (condition = true) is always a comparison, and never an assignment. if (condition == true) isn't even valid.
Joel Coehoorn
That said, if (condition = true) is still unnecessarily redundant, and so should be avoided.
Joel Coehoorn
Joel: Yes, but the cluttering reason still applies.
Mehrdad Afshari
I think 'should be avoided' is quite a harsh statement for these few extra letters. I think it's quite readable
reinier: How do you like `(((condition = True) = True) = True)`? If it shouldn't be avoided then you can inductively deduce it's OK to have infinite number of `= True` expressions :)
Mehrdad Afshari
@Mehrdad +1 for induction.
Should be noted that in weakly typed languages, `if (condition)` can return true if `condition` is simply a variable that exists, e.g. a string. It's not usually a big issue though.
+1  A: 

Use whichever makes the code easier to read. This is usually the second of your options.


In a lot of cases, it depends on what you're trying to achieve, for example, if you want to check that a connection started correctly:

if connected then

Whereas if you want to catch an error:

' Just about to send something
if not connected then
SendString("Still connected!")

But you may even want to:

if not connected then
    return "Complete"

(I'm not a VB programmer, so the syntax above is largely made up!)

+20  A: 

According to Steve McConnell, author of Code Complete, you should

"Put the case you normally expect to process first. This is in line with the general principle of putting code that results from a decision as close as possible to the decision...[putting the normal case after the if] puts the focus on reading the main flow rather than on wading through the exceptional cases, so the code is easier to read overall."

Code Complete, 2nd Edition, pages 356-357.

Matt Nizol
I tend to agree, but sometimes when you might have nested levels of exceptional cases it is hard to identify which is which after the normal case is done. sometimes it's nice to see the exceptions one after another and if you've managed to drop through to the bottom you know that whatever you're processing is normal.
Ty W
Ty W, that's also how you make the program do unnecessary checks most of the time.
+1 for referencing *Code Complete*.
Well that settles it. If 'code complete' writes it, then it must be so. Reminds me a bit about these orthodox Christians: "it is written... thus it must be the truth". Difficult to have discussions about things when the gospel of a book is seen as the one and only truth. (this will probably cost me some downvotes by the american programmers)
@reiner - is your concern with respect to referencing a book in general, or with respect to referencing Code Complete in particular?
Matt Nizol
referencing any book and that way deciding the discussion.
@reinier: I think you have some serious issues with simple book references. Code Complete is a compendium of recommended best practices that have been well-proven in the industry. At least Matt quoted from a reliable resource, which certainly deserves some recognition. Matt also didn't close the doors of discussion...if you have a counter point to make....make it, and let the discussion ensue. Don't sit there and whine because you have a beef with a book...
@reinier. Matt didn't just write "Code Complete says do XXX", he quoted the description of the advantages of XXX. Which rather takes away your point.
+3  A: 

First of all, you shouldn't compare to boolean values, this is, do

if condition then

instead of

if condition = true then

About your question, it depends on the natural variable names, IMO.

For example, if you are creating a client that needs to check if it's connected (the most common case)

if connected then
    //Throw error
end if

Or, if you are creating a different program, where you have a variable, say, retrieved and you want to know if the content has been retrieved

if not retrieved then
end if

Do not do

if retrieved then
end if
Vinko Vrsalovic
The empty "then else" is a pet peeve of mine. Can't tell you how many afternoons I wasted tracking down bugs in code like that. Almost as bad as if (cond) ; {code that becomes a static block};
+1  A: 

As others have said readability is generally more important. However, readability means different things to different people.

For me, it typically means arranging the if statement so that the shorter action (in terms of lines of code) comes first, so that if the statement is near the bottom of the window I'm more likely to see the "Else" on screen.

For others, placing a "Not" in the condition can really throw them, and so they'll prefer to list it so the the If condition is always as positive as possible.

Joel Coehoorn
+1  A: 

Generally, I would always put the true clause first. Something like this, for me, obfuscates meaning:

If not something Then
  'do something 1
  'do something 2
End If

This results in a double-negative, much better to write it like this:

If something Then
  'do something 2
  'do something 1
End If

I believe this recommendation comes from code complete. A great book well worth reading

If you're going to have more than one else then it might be better to consider a case statement.

James Wiseman
+1  A: 

The better practice is the second option - most common action first.

It makes it easier to read the code as you are not distracted by the code for the less used/exceptional case.

Peter Mortensen
+1  A: 

In the final assembly/machine code, it does make a difference. The statement which is most likely to be executed is done in the path without the branch. This way, the pipeline isn't broken causing valuable cycles to be lost.

I have no clue if the compiler leaves your if then statement order intact and this way forces the assembly to take this optimized route.

I have read that visual studio 2008 (when it was announced) would have an optimization functionality where the compiler adds measurements at branches and then during runtime measures how often a certian path is taken. Then in subsequent recompiles the most optimal code path is preferred.

I have no clue if this feature ever made it past the 'design/academic phase'

@reinier This compile-time optimization was implemented in the HotSpot compiler for Java. My guess is that this resulted in it also being implemented in .NET because Microsoft is under a lot of pressure to keep up with the Joneses.
The optimization i'm talking about is really about machine code level (For the C compiler). So no bytecode optimizations for .net and java like programs.
+1  A: 

If the most common case isn't the simplest to express, you might have an opportunity for re-factoring

One useful re-factoring I've found:

if (a.getFoo() == 1 && a.getBar() == 2)

can be re-factored to

if (a.isFooBar())

In come cases something nasty like this,

if (!(fooSet.contains(a.getValidFoo())))

could be

if (a.hasInvalidFoo(fooSet))

This can make option 1 also be option 2 by simplifying the evaluation of the most common condition.

+1  A: 

You have received some pretty good answers already. I'm going to approach the question from a different angle.

First, as far as performance goes it may not matter as much as you think in modern CPUs. That's because they use a feature called branch prediction in which the CPU attempts to predict the most likely direction the code will take. Of course, I still agree that you should place the most likely branch at the top if performance is your main concern.

Second, I prefer readability over trivial performance enhancements. In most cases the benefit of readability outweigh those of performance.

Third, use guard clauses when possible. It makes the code more readable.

Brian Gideon