



I have a Null Reference Exception Caused by this code:

var recentOrderers = (from p in db.CMS
            where p.ODR_DATE > DateTime.Today - new TimeSpan(60, 0, 0, 0)
            select p.SOLDNUM).Distinct();
result = (from p in db.CMS
             where p.ORDER_ST2 == "SH" &&
                   p.ODR_DATE > DateTime.Today - new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0) &&
                   p.ODR_DATE < DateTime.Today - new TimeSpan(60, 0, 0, 0) &&
             select p.SOLDNUM).Distinct().Count();

result is of double type. When I comment out:


The code runs fine. I have verified that recentOrderers is not null, and when I run:

if(recentOrderes.Contains(0)) return;

Execution follows this path and returns. Not sure what is going on, since I use similar code above it:

var m = (from p in db.CMS where p.ORDER_ST2 == "SH" select p.SOLDNUM).Distinct();
            double result = (from p in db.CUST
                        join r in db.DEMGRAPH on p.CUSTNUM equals r.CUSTNUM
                        where p.CTYPE3 == "cmh" && !(m.Contains(p.CUSTNUM)) &&
                              r.ColNEWMEMBERDAT.Value.Year > 1900
                        select p.CUSTNUM).Distinct().Count();

which also runs flawlessly. After noting the similarity, can anyone help? Thanks in advance.


I'm not super familiar with Linq, but could it be that .Distinct() returns null if there are no matching results?


Try to explicite get data from the first query by converting to a list object (actually: executing it using .ToList()) then use in comparison.

var recentOrderers = (from p in db.CMS
            where p.ODR_DATE > DateTime.Today - new TimeSpan(60, 0, 0, 0)
            select p.SOLDNUM).Distinct().ToList();
That works! Though I still don't understand the difference. Especially since it works in one section and not the next.
Because in your example your first query is a type of IQueryable which is not a real value itself - it is just a query definition.And it is not good idea to treat query definition as data ;-)Try to avoid 'var' and use concrete types in the future to avoid such a problems.
Use of var has nothing to do with this. It's still strongly typed.