



I need to create a wall system just like Facebook's (users can post messages, videos, images, events, etc...). Has anyone created something similar? How do you recommend me to prepare the database?

+9  A: 

Facebook doesn't use an RDBMS for their data management.

They use a non-relational technology called Map/Reduce, included in the Hadoop project. They built a project called Hive to query the data with an SQL-like language. They also built Cassandra, another high-scale, non-relational data management technology.

Check out:

By the way, Facebook does use MySQL too, just not for the stuff that needs to be highly scalable. I just saw a blog post announcing that Facebook contributes patches back to the MySQL project, and they have a public Launchpad site called mysqlatfacebook and also a Facebook site called MySQLatFacebook.

Bill Karwin
Excellent information. I will read all the articles. Thank you!