what is powerfull way to force a form to bring front of all the other applications using windows c# application ??
i already tried using Topmost = true. But still some third party applications are overriding this form and due to this my form is staying behind. The purpose of usisng this form is to block the user the view other applications.
2009-08-21 02:52:32
Well, in response to that statement about other apps overriding the form. Maybe you could do a little research to find out "how to override Topmost = true" or "how to override this.bringToFront();" in C#... Maybe that's how these third-party apps do it.My logic is... If you do it the same way as them - you should be able to bring your form to the front, because you'll be overriding their too.
2009-08-21 07:44:26
Powerfully force the user to click on your application window icon in the task-bar.
2009-08-21 02:52:17