I am trying to create a timer job in WSS 3.0. My timer job would create the object of SPsite then SPWeb and then SPDocumentLibrary (or possibly picture library)using their GUIDs stored in any xml or database.After that it would take the back up of documents in the document library in some third party application and then delete those documents.
So my question is: what should be my SPJobLockType 'None' or 'Job' or 'ContentDatabase' ideally?? Following is my understanding after reading some articles on timer job. Please correct me if I am wrong at any place as I am quite new to SharePoint
If i use 'None', then my job would run on each server in the farm. Do I really need that? because my job is only modifying /deleting documents(I am modifing only content database through my timer job. Please correct me if I am wrong).
If I use lock type 'Job' , then my job would run only on the server on which job creation code is executed.But it can fulfil my requirement(I think so but i am not sure please correct me if am wrong ).
I have gone through this article for ContentDatabase LockType..It says
in short, it’s almost the same as the Job one, meaning that it only runs one server.. BUT.. as Peter find out at Help needed with custom timerjob in SharePoint 2007 , the job runs for each ContentDatabase that the WebApplication is associated with. Another (quite annoying) fact is that it is not that predictable when it will run on the next content database.
Please give your thoughts/Suggestions.