



<cfschedule> can only call an URL.

What can I use to call a function with some dynamic parameters later?

the only way I can think of is to call it the GET way with and populate the parameters in url scope:


However, this doesn't work for me 'cause I will likely hit the GET limit for large, complex data.

Do I need to implement my own scheduler to call a function?

or... is there any simpler solution in CFML? if not, maybe something in J2EE?


+8  A: 

You could set something up to write your parameters to a local file or even a database, then your scheduled task could read the information from there, do its thing, then delete the parameters.

Al Everett

Maybe you could set up your function as a web service and then call it via cfschedule?

<cffunction name="something" access="remote">
Don't think it will work. If you think about it...
I just noticed the bit about the GET limit concern. Is that the only reason you feel it wouldn't work?
+1  A: 

You could fire off cfthread to do the processing, however if the activity is far in the future this would not work well.

Pete Freitag