I started working on a project for data analysis. It is becoming quite powerful and I am interested in making it available for sale. However, one of the many components of the analysis process includes the use of R. R has a GPL License (not LGPL).
What are the best options for making the system available for sale? I have considered the following options:
- (A) Install R with the software.
- (B) Require the user has R installed themselves.
- (C) Port the R portion of my code into S or S+ (not sure if I can just create a re-sellable binary, but maybe the porting process is very easy.)
- (D) Port the R portion of my code into C++ or Java. (expensive endeavor)
The GPL license states:
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program. (independent of having been made by running the Program)
It sounds like I can use option A and have my software run an R script without having to GPL my whole system. It sounds like I could even retain a copyright on my own R script. Am I reading that right? I would also like to know if anyone has seen or used a commercial program that legally uses GPL software in some way.
IMHO: I really wish everything was just released with a BSD or LGPL license. Then I don't mind contributing because I know everyone can use my work commercially in the future. I honestly can't understand the intent of GPL. Software developers have to pay bills somehow..hopefully by not re-inventing something already in GPL. :)