I'd like to know if there's a tool which allows you to do class definition based on an XML format. I'm not looking for data binding. Anyone can help ?
I'd like to know if there's a tool which allows you to do class definition based on an XML format. I'm not looking for data binding. Anyone can help ?
When I had this problem a few years back, I wrote a Python tool to execute Python code embedded in text files so that I could generate C++ code with Python inside the C++: http://nedbatchelder.com/code/cog/
I know of two tools both of them are commercial products
I hope this helps.
Just found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML_data_binding#C.2B.2B
Update 2:
This is great, I have been looking for an open source package to do this for ages and your question has just helped my find it:
http://top.touk.pl/confluence/display/xmlbeansxxdoc/Introduction+to+xmlbeansxx http://top.touk.pl/confluence/download/attachments/458767/Manipulate_XML_Documents_in_CPP_with_xmlbeansxx.pdf