



There are some WebDAV clients available for Delphi (for example included in Indy 10). Is there also a simple WebDAV server solution written with Delphi?

If there is none yet, maybe you know an implementation in a different language (C#, Java) which you can recommend as a starting point for a WebDAV server implementation? (It does not have to be a full-featured solution, a rather simple skeleton could be even more helpful.)


Start your search on Google for Delphi WebDAV or Delphi WebDAV Component That will give you some starting points: there indeed are components that can help you out.


Jeroen Pluimers

As far as I know, WebDav extends HTTP functionality. You should try extending some HTTP server code. I believe synapse would be good point to start, as the code is very clear (also I personally don't like Indy ;) )

+1  A: 

You might look at Jackrabbit, it has a WebDAV interface available (Java solution).


I would suggest IT Hit's WebDAV Server Engine for .Net: It is being used by many large IT companies.

is it open source (because I would like to reimplement it in Delphi)?
No, source codes are provided at extra cost. As far as I know it would be difficult to find a good open source WebDAV implementation. Many open projects were abandoned during years 2008-2009.