




I found an excellent tutorial on how to create site columns and content types - here : http://www.vimeo.com/5665655 (THANKS AGAIN ROB!)

Does anyone know of a written or video tutorial that will explain how to create a list and list instance in MOSS 2007.

I use WSP Builder, and the build in templates from Microsoft aren't compatible (or up to the task).

Preferably a method that focuses on the CAML (xml) , and explains in detail the theory, and demonstrates how it is done.

Thank you.

+1  A: 

Inside Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint® Services 3.0 is a good book for this topic. Refer to Chapter 6: Lists and Content Types

Also Refer to the Andrew post on the Subject it has other links as well

Thanks Kusek for your answer, sadly this is the best answer there is - SharePoint is a nightmare.
JL go ahead with the above two links, if you come across any issues in the mean time I would love to help you. Because I do this List Instance and List Template as a Regular Job.
Well your answer worked out very nicely, I followed Andrew's post down to the last letter. Open heart surgery might arguably be easier than working with MOSS, but at least phase 1 is complete now :)
JL MOSS is like riding the cycle, once you get hold the art of balancing you will enjoy the ride. But it will be tough to get it initially.