



This link says that Android support Python, Lua and BeanShell Scripts, subsequently for Perl too. If it is so, is it possible for developers to write python scripts and call them in their standard Java based android applications?

+5  A: 

I remember reading about this awhile back as well. It's not on the android dev site.

It's a separate project, android-scripting.

Python API:

From the API Page:

ASE allows Python scripts to interact with the system over JSON RPC calls (see the Javadoc for the AndroidProxy class for details). This is made mostly transparent using the "android" Python module. A few example scripts are installed with ASE. These instructions are primarily example based and assume that you are familiar with the Python scripting language. You can try out these snippets in an interactive ASE Python terminal.

ASE rocks. Made me like my android phone a whole bunch more than I already did.

I think I have read somewhere that ASE with Python was a huge library ( several Mo), and so was completely unpractical for a public application. But you can still use it for development...
