



Hi, in my app I create at the beginning a tab bar controller with 6 view controllers. One of them is to login in the application, then i have a login/logout button (Facebook sdk).

I would like to know if is possible to do the next:

1) OR when I click in the logout button (because at this moment I'm logging in) "To close the entire application in a good way". then next time I launch the application the first thing I will see will be the 'Login view' and after that I create the Tab bar controller i said before (with the data for this session).

2) OR when I click in the login button (my application was running, the tab bar controller was created, and i just logged out in the logout button) "Restart my Tab bar controller in SOME way to load 'like at the beginning a tab bar controller with the data of this session'".

This goal is because i want to allow to login in the application to any user, and each one have different data (i.e. each one can customize the order of the tab bar items)
