




I need help finding a classical computer book. This was a very good read I remember, but when I found it online I didn't have time to read it and I must have lost the bookmark I made for it. If any of you have read it, I think that the following facts are enough to identify it:

  • The title is something like "The Joy of Computers/programming/computing!". I Think it might be "The Joy of Computers" by Peter Laurie.

  • It is 10+ years old

  • The author gives his PERSONAL phone number out in the book, and lets his readers call back with questions about anything, at any time.

  • There is a free copy of the book online

  • The author has a masters degree in education and has tutoring ads in Craigslist for very cheap ($25/hr I think)

  • I could have sworn Jeff Atwood blogged about it within the last year, but I can't seem to find anything like it on his blog (yes, I did spend lots of time trying to google his blog for it...)

+1  A: 

Amazon Link Love the cover w/ Commodore Vic-20 :)

I think this is probably it. I was hoping to download it, but it's pretty cheap on amazon.com so I can order it there.
John Fischer
DId you read this book? I did find the book on Amazon, and it is my main guess, but I am not sure if it is the one I am looking for.
John Fischer