




What the title says. Are they the same? I've noticed that the first does have arguments and such, but are they going to give the same end result?

+1  A: 

Yes. At least according to the documentation which states:

"Puts a Process component in state to interact with operating system processes that run in a special mode by enabling the native property SeDebugPrivilege on the current thread."

Ryan Cook
+2  A: 

For clarity, SeDebugPrivilege is not an API function, it's a privilege constant.

Also, the fact that Process.EnterDebugMode enables the privilege on the thread does not necessarily mean that the privilege will be useful -- privileges first need to be present in the user token (this is configured per user or group, which privileges they have) and then they can be enabled/disabled.

So, you need to make sure that the user running the process has the privilege in the first place. See Local Security Settings (Start -> Run... -> secpol.msc) under Local Policies/User Rights Assignment to find out and change who has what privilege.

Kim Gräsman