




What is a one-liner code for setting a string in python to the string, 0 if the string is empty?

# line_parts[0] can be empty
# if so, set a to the string, 0
# one-liner solution should be part of the following line of code if possible
a = line_parts[0] ...
+6  A: 
a = '0' if not line_parts[0] else line_parts[0]
Andrew Keeton
Would be more clear as: a = line_parts[0] if line_parts[0] else '0'
+19  A: 
a = line_parts[0] or "0"

This is one of the nicest Python idioms, making it easy to provide default values. It's often used like this for default values of functions:

def fn(arg1, arg2=None):
    arg2 = arg2 or ["weird default value"]
Ned Batchelder
+1 I learned something new.
Andrew Keeton
To clarify, if it wasn't clear from Ned's answer: when it comes to strings, an empty string always evaluates to False, and a non-empty string always evaluates to True -- that's why `or` works perfectly in this situation.
Mark Rushakoff
When using this, make sure that you never expect `arg2` to be 0 or ''..
John Fouhy
I don't understand - what the difference then to give a default value in a definition of a function: def fn(arg1, arg2="weird default value"): ?
You can do that, but have to be careful with mutable defaults, or defaults based on changing data that may not be available at definition time.
Ned Batchelder

Do you mean string is empty(means string of length zero) or None ?

Manish Sinha
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