




I'm hoping that someone may be able to help me out.

My Home page (Home.html) has a link to a mp3player located at (mp3.html) On the mp3player page there is a link back to Home.html

If the user clicks on the link to the Mp3 player I would like for the music to continue to play even if the link to home.html is pressed.

What I would like to avoid is having multiple tabs from being opened if the user would re-click one of these links.

Also I would like to have the appropriate page to open when it's link is pressed instead of being locked in a tab and not displaying.

  • The mp3 player isn't effected by being refreshed.

I would prefer not to have different tabs open if at all possible.

This really got me stumped. I've tried different things out only to either be stuck choosing a tab or loosing the music from playing.

Thank you.

+1  A: 
  1. You can program your site with AJAX, so index page won't be reloaded but supplemented by content loaded be demand - Google Mail is a good example. Not a task for beginner, though.

  2. You can use HTML frames (see examples) and load index and player at the same time in one tab. Very easy and may fit your needs, but makes your site harder to link to.


I'd go with the AJAX version as well, it's a nicer user experience. If there's a player somewhere in another tab, that's pretty annoying for the user to find if he wants to turn it off or change a track. Check out the Sixtyone and how they're solving the problem.
