




Suppose you have a collection of classes:

class Foo
    public string Bar;
    public string Baz;

List<Foo> foolist;

And you want to check this collection to see if another entry has a matching Bar.

bool isDuplicate = false;
foreach (Foo f in foolist)
     if (f.Bar == SomeBar)
         isDuplicate = true;

Contains() doesn't work because it compares the classes as whole.

Does anyone have a better way to do this (That works for .NET 2.0).


fooList.Exists(item => item.Bar == SomeBar)

or with anonymous delegate

fooList.Exists(delegate(Foo item) {return item.Bar == SomeBar;})


You probably want to use C5.HashSet, and implement Equals and GetHashCode() for Foo.

+4  A: 

Implement the IEqualityComparer<T> interface, and use the matching Contains method.

public class MyFooComparer: IEqualityComparer<Foo> {

   public bool Equals(Foo foo1, Foo foo2) {
      return Equals(foo1.Bar, foo2.Bar);

   public int GetHashCode(Foo foo) {
      return foo.Bar.GetHashCode();

Foo exampleFoo = new Foo();
exampleFoo.Bar = "someBar";
if(myList.Contains(exampleFoo, new MyFooComparer())) {
Chris Marasti-Georg
um... you define the IEqualityComparer, but you don't actually use it.
James Curran

If you need the element, you can also use List.Find() and pass in a delegate that returns true for your definition of a "match" (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x0b5b5bc.aspx).

There's an example of how to define a delegate on that MSDN doc.


If the 'Bar's for your class are unique (a key to class Foo), then you can try implementing a System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection. It's pretty simple: just implement the GetKeyForItem() method.

class Foo
    public string Bar;
    public string Baz;

class FooList : KeyedCollection<string, Foo>
    protected override string GetKeyForItem(Foo item)
        return item.Bar;

FooList fooList;
Joel Coehoorn
+10  A: 
fooList.Exists(item => item.Bar == SomeBar)

That's not LINQ, but a Lambda expression, but nevertheless, it uses a v3.5 feature. No problem:

fooList.Exists(delegate(Foo Item) { return item.Bar == SomeBar});

That should work in 2.0.

James Curran

If you override Equals on Foo to make key on Bar, Contains() will work.

Austin Salonen

If you can use LINQ you can do the following:

bool contains = foolist.Where(f => f.Bar == someBar).Count() != 0;