



I have a parent thread (non-UI) which creates some child threads to do some jobs - at some point the parent must wait for certain tasks to be completed by the child thread - this does not mean the child is finished but only that it has reached a certain point and the parent can now continue processing ...

To illustrate please refer to the code below, obviously this isn't what my children do but it shows what I am trying to accomplish. Recall that none of these are UI threads...

// Parent Thread
Thread childThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Manage));
childThread.IsBackground = true;
childThread.Name = "NamedPipe Manager";

while (true)
... do some work ...

// wait for signal from MainThread to proceed //

... do more work

// Child Thread
private void Manage()
... do some work ...
... call some functions ...


... do more work ...
... call more functions ...

Any one have any suggestions on how I can accomplish this task in a thread-safe manner? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks,

+1  A: 

You can do this using a WaitHandle (I would add the usual code sample, but the example given in MSDN is almost exactly what you want)

Martin Harris
Seriously? you can just make the autoevent static? I thought I would need to create the AutoEvent and somehow pass it to the children thread ... but this is a lot easier then I thought ...And it is thread safe? Even if I have multiple children? (only need a single signal)
Yes seriously, yes it can be static, yes it is thread safe and yes the parent thread will move past the WaitOne() call until *any* other thread sets the WaitHandle. You can use multiple WaitHandles and the WaitAll call to wait for *all* the child threads to call Set()
Martin Harris

If there's a single child thread you can use a ManualResetEvent:

var signal = new ManualResetEvent(false);

// child thread: signal to parent that it can continue

// parent thread: wait for signal from child thread to proceed

If there's more than one child thread you can use a Semaphore:

var semaphore = new Semaphore(0, numberOfChildThreads);

// child thread: signal to parent that it can continue

// parent thread: wait for signal from each child thread to proceed
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChildThreads; i++)
What happens if they are in another class? For example Pareant creates A = new A(); and inside A we launch a thread that needs to .Set() the ManualResetEvent() in the parent?
Pass the signal reference along as a parameter to the A constructor

Is there a reason you're using explicit threads instead of BackgroundWorker? BackgroundWorker has built-in facilities for communicating progress back to the UI thread.

Joe White
There is no UI thread ... this is actually a Service.Do you still recommend using BackgroundWorkers?
Hmm. No idea; I've never tried it, and I don't know much about its implementation, so I couldn't say. So one of the other answers may be a better bet.
Joe White