



I've done a pretty decent amount of looking on the inter-webs, searching for ways to improve the poor performance of my WPF DataGrid control. I came across this little gem from this article, but I can't seem to find anything about it in the documentation. Can someone point me to where in the docs I might find how to manipulate how Virtualization works in the WPF Toolkit DataGrid?

Virtualization Extensions is one control improvement which was designed with DataGrid in mind. This feature exposes hooks to enable writing a custom panel which can handle multidimensional UI virtualization. We will use this feature to implement Column Virtualization for the DataGrid, and application authors can use the Virtualization Extensions to write custom virtualization panels which handle horizontal and vertical virtualization. For DataGrid, this means that performance in scenarios with hundreds or thousands of columns will be greatly improved.

+1  A: 

I don't believe there is complete documentation prepared for the WPF Toolkit components at this time.

There are beta docs for the DataGrid itself here, but I couldn't find anything w.r.t. the virtualization extensions, sorry!

Jeff Wilcox

The XCeed DataGrid may be more suited. I haven't looked at 3D visializations but I found it much easier to use and better supported than the WPF toolkit datagrid. Looks nicer out of the box too :)

Unfortunately they axed the free version, but if you can afford it -
