



Share with the community the best texts/blogs/articles/books on Domain-Driven Design you've read!

+7  A: 

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, by Eric Evans

Bruno Reis
It is actually written by Fowler and Evans.
Filip Navara
Don't forget Eric's recent talk: "5 years: What I've learned about DDD since the book". A recording of the talk at QCon is up on http://InfoQ.Com/ and anotherone from the DDD-NYC SIG is up on http://DomainDrivenDesign.Org/
Jörg W Mittag
@Filip, why do you say Fowler is a co-author? Not according to my copy, nor Amazon.
Mike Scott
@Filip - Fowler wrote the foreword only - at least on my copy.
+1  A: 

everything on really valuable.

Amr ElGarhy
+6  A: 

The Evans book is good and is the standard, but I personally liked better Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET, by Jimmy Nilsson. It covers a lot of ground.

+1  A: 

Applying Domain Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET by Jimmy Nilsson

+6  A: 

Greg Young have written a lot of cool stuff concerning (D)DDD. Another blog I recommend is Udi Dahans blog. He writes a lot about SOA and DDD. Infoq has a lot of articles and web casts about DDD. They have also published a book called Domain Driven Design Quickly. It's a summary of Eric Evans book in about 100 pages. Together with Evans and Nilssons books, there is a book called .NET Domain-Driven Design with C#: Problem - Design - Solution (Programmer to Programmer). This book was written based on a sample application. You can download the source code from Codeplex. The last book about DDD that I know of is Domain-Driven Design Using Naked Objects. I haven't read this, so I don't know anything about the quality. If I had to choose only one thing to read about DDD, I would read Evans book.

Is there any video courses like at "AppDev" or "Total Training" ??
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