I'm a total newbie when it comes to CSS so I've pretty much given up on figuring out the problem here myself.
The problem I have is that my WebSVN installation has an odd problem related to viewing diffed files. There's some CSS that highlights the current line, but when I move my mouse up and down over the screen, the lines gets to be 1-2 pixels higher, or lower, depending on the direction I move the mouse.
Here, it's a bit difficult trying to explain it, here's an animated gif that shows the problem:
To try it yourself, go to my WebSVN repository here:
Unfortunately it seems Google Chrome (or whatnot) breaks the "clickability" of the above link, so to avoid problem I've just posted the actual link in text. You'll need to log in, but the username and password are both 'guest' without the quotes. Note that you'll probably get a warning about the certificate for the site. It's a private server so I'm not shelling out for a real certificate so just ignore that.
In Chrome, the browser I use, and Internet Explorer, the problem is visible.
Thanks, problem solved with the accepted answer, but my question was also partly this:
When you see, in the animated gif, or if you tried it, the mouse moving upwards, I understand that a CSS hover style for the line makes that line higher. However, the bottom lines in the illustration should not move once I am hovering over one line, even if I move the mouse cursor to another line. Granted, the line I was on, and the line I moved to, should shift, depending on the direction, because one lost the 1-2 pixels, and the other one gained them, but the text lines in the bottom of the illustration should not really move, should they? They should only move down 1-2 pixels when I move the mouse cursor into the list of lines to begin with, and only if I move it back out.
I just thought that particular behavior was rather odd.