





Are there any free tools in the market which support Objective C?


I use Argo UML and Violet UML for modelling on my Mac (Assuming you are using a mac). They are not great but they work.

If you want code generation that is a whole different issue.

Thanks for your reply. I checked both of the tools but they were not able to provide me what i was looking for. Basiaclly there are certain things within Objective C which cannot come in standard UML program, i used netbeans for making UML previosuly, mainly java programs. But in objective C there is @property and other things which dont map on standard UML diagram tools, so i am looking for which can help in modeling Objective C classes. Thanks anyway.
+1  A: 

Actually, one of the points of UML is to be language-agnostic. If what you're asking is if any of the available tools supports Obj-C code generation: Googling, you can find some (commercial) tools that claim to offer Objective-C code generation.

It probably makes more sense to use XCodes built-in diagramming tools, which can be found in the "Design" menu. These are not, strictly speaking UML, but are quite similar.

Also, UML might not be such a good fit for designing Cocoa / Objective-C applications, because mostly you will use Model-View-Controller, into which a UML diagram doesn't offer much additional insight.

I have seen the tool which is within XCode but it can only make diagrams for your project, but you can use it otherwise, i mean use it to make ER diagrams. Thanks anyway.