I want to get the information of the software installed on my computer. For example, the software name, the software language, the software version . How can I get them from the Registry ?
Much of the registry is undocumented and there is a lot of information not stored there. I suspect that most of the information you need (if not all of it) can be obtained using documented APIs and other methods. Take a look at the WMI and setup APIs.
2009-08-31 03:25:14
This key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
holds the information that shows up in Add/Remove Programs, and is therefore a good source of information re: which applications are installed.
Microsoft offers some scripting that can process this info:
How to enumerate the software products that can be uninstalled on a computer
William Leara
2009-08-31 03:27:05
I have tried this key before,and I find some software have the language(or version) item, but some not. Are them saved in somewhere else ?I want to find a more general way.
2009-08-31 03:44:34