



Why can't I create a class in VB.NET that inherits System.IO.Directory? According to Lutz Roeder, it is not declared as NotInheritable!

I want to create a utility class that adds functionality to the Directory class. For instance, I want to add a Directory.Move function.

Please advise and I will send you a six pack. OK nevermind I'm not sending you anything but if you come to the bar tonight I will hook you up and then beat you in pool.

+3  A: 

Are you using C# 3.0 VB.NET 2008 -- then you could add an Extension Method

Lou Franco
Considering he specified VB.NET, I'm betting he isn't using C#...
Sorry, VB.NET has them too
Lou Franco
I know, but what kind of programmer doesn't argue semantics? ;)
No, you're right -- I corrected my answer -- thanks.
Lou Franco
+1  A: 

If you use the DirectoryInfo class, you will have access to a MoveTo function.

EDIT: I'll correct myself... The static Directory class already has a Move method.

Austin Salonen
I don't care. I am trying to rename a directory, not move it.
Josh Stodola
Won't moving the directory to the new name effectively rename it?
+9  A: 

From the Meta Data of .NET

namespace System.IO
    // Summary:
    //     Exposes static methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories
    //     and subdirectories. This class cannot be inherited.
    public static class Directory

You cannot inherit from a Static Class.

David Basarab

I'd guess that Reflector isn't picking up the sealed attribute correctly for VB (or perhaps just not displaying it properly). If you look at the IL, it is sealed:

class public abstract auto ansi sealed beforefieldinit Directory