




I'm looking for a WPF textarea component that would allow the user to search inside it. Something similar to the notepad, but as a reusable component.


You can use a normal TextBox for this unless you want extra features notepad doesn't have.

Use int startIndex = textBox.Text.IndexOf(searchString) to determine where the searchstring is located and textBox.Select(startIndex, searchString.Length) to select the text. When you want to search for the next item keep track of the startIndex and use startIndex = textBox.Text.IndexOf(searchString, startIndex + searchString.Length) and use the select again. Btw this works the same for the RichTextBox.

Edit: For a "multiline" textbox use: <TextBox AcceptsReturn="True" .../>

There's much moer needed from searchable textarea than IndexOf. What about the search form itself? What about indicating how many results found? Of course I can implement it myself, but it's much better to use an existing reusable component.
Elazar Leibovich
You said you where looking for "a WPF textarea component that would allow you to search inside".... Not that you wanted a complete notepad "search window". Anyway you can use the link you posted, I don't know any other components...

Not exactly available as component, but MSDN has example code for notepad application with search capability in WPF. I guess I can modify the code for my needs.

Elazar Leibovich