I am working on a project to automate the calibration tests for some usints at a small local company.
Part of the test requires me to issue 3 commands on 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes to check stablility.
However, I am also required to do these commands for 10 seconds every minute too. These 10 seconds can be anywhere within each minute (1st 10 seconds, last 10 seconds, middle 10 secodns etc), so they need not clash with any of the 5, 10 ,15 minute checks.
Can I simply set up some timers to do these or is there a better way ? Should I use just one timer for the 5, 10, 20 minute test and another for the 10 second test or should I use a seperate timer for each ?
Also, is ther a delay command to stop processing for 5 seconds ? Instead of creating a loop to wait for a particular message to process ?
I know how I would have done this in Cobol, but being new to C# I am happy got take any advice given.
Any suggestions are most welcome.