I need to find occurences of é ou è in a mysql table.
First tried : SELECT "LéL" like "%é%"; which doesn't work : it returns word containing e or é or è.
I also tried with regex without results (using the the letter L):
SELECT "Lbc" REGEXP ".*L.*"; -- works : it finds L in the string LBC
SELECT "Lbc" REGEXP ".*\u4C.*"; -- doesn't work : can't find the hexadecimal equivalent of L in the string LBC.
I wanted to test the \u plus hexadecimal search... I also tried double escaping as mentionned in the doc without changes.
Regex searching seems to be really limited in mysql. Didn't find any doc related to \u on http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/regexp.html.
I'm using mysql 4.1.
If there is a solution in mysql 5 which doesn't exist in 4, I would like to know about it.