




Hi, I am new to a programming world world. I have a query regarding deployment descriptor in jboss. In web.xml there is login config that authorizes the form. I want to know how the j_check_security validates the form and redirects it to homepage on successfull feeding of username and password. This was my first question.

Secondly i am working on a open source frame work Siruna. This framework runs on jboss and it uses HSQLDB as a database. WHen this frame works runs the first page comes is a login page which is predefined in a web.xml(login-config). My query is that i want my own page to be displayed first and than onclicking the link of sign in of mypage it should go to login.html defined in web.xml. FORM jdbcrealm /login.html /loginFailed.html when i try to change the structure of web.xml and try to login to the page it gives me error"404 request resource not available" i think the j_security_check cannot find the page. Please help me out about this j_security_check how it w orks and does redirects page.