




I understand this code calculates the sum of the args of a variable, however, I don't understand how it works. It looks really abstract to me. Can someone explain how the below works?


#include <stdio.h>

#define sum(...) \
    _sum(sizeof((int []){ __VA_ARGS__ }) / sizeof(int), (int []){ __VA_ARGS__ })

int _sum(size_t count, int values[])
    int s = 0;
    while(count--) s += values[count];
    return s;

int main(void)
    printf("%i", sum(1, 2, 3));
+20  A: 

With the pre-processor macro

#define sum(...) \
    _sum(sizeof((int []){ __VA_ARGS__ }) / sizeof(int), (int []){ __VA_ARGS__ })

being called with sum(1,2,3), the line is translated (a simple string substitution, replacing "__VA_ARGS__" with "1,2,3") into:

_sum(sizeof((int []){1,2,3}) / sizeof(int), (int []){1,2,3})

which is a function call to _sum() passing two things:

  • the number of integers in the array {1,2,3} which is 3 (it gets this by dividing the size of the three-integer array by the size of a single integer).
  • the pointer to the array itself (or a totally different array containing the same values, depending on how smart your compiler is).

All the _sum() function does is add each of the integers to s (which is initially zero) until the count runs out.

That first bullet point above bears some explanation. When you have an array of N elements defined as follows:

tType x[22];

the size of the array is sizeof(x), the size of all elements. The size of a single element of that array is sizeof(x[0]), the size of the first element, although I often prefer the sizeof(*x) variant.

So, to count the number of elements, you simply divide the total size by the size of an element, using one of the following:

sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])
sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x)

And, since you've asked for a detailed analysis of the code, here we go:

// Needed for printf().

#include <stdio.h>

// Macro to convert sum(n1,n2,...,nN) to _sum(N,n1,n2,...,nN).
// This calculates the length of the array by dividing its size by the size
//   of an int and passes both the length and array through to the new
//   function.
// __VA_ARGS__ is replaced with the entire marcro argument list, '1,2,3' in
//   this case.

#define sum(...) \
    _sum(sizeof((int []){ __VA_ARGS__ }) / sizeof(int), (int []){ __VA_ARGS__ })

// Function to take size and pointer to int array, and return sum.

int _sum (size_t count, int values[]) {
    int s = 0;                // Initial sum of zero.
    while(count--)            // Until elements exhausted (count down).
        s += values[count];   // Add each array element to accumulator.
    return s;                 // Return sum.

int main (void) {
    printf ("%i", sum(1, 2, 3));   // Test it with 1, 2 and 3 (should print 6).
that's the best description I've ever seen of a variable-length argument list
Yeah it is. Pax you should write textbooks!
Peter Wone

In this code the sum macro converts the sum(1,2,3) call in main into a call to _sum by using sizeof to calculate the number of elements sum is called with. The size of an int array with three values is going to be 3 * sizeof(int), so dividing by sizeof(int) yields three again.

Michiel Buddingh'

Given an integar array, it will sum up all of its elements and return that value.

David Andres

The preprocessor here uses variable number of arguments variadic macro. Rest it simply creates an array from argument list and manipulates it

+4  A: 

Let's look at the expansion of the sample invocation sum(1, 2, 3) of the macro

#define sum(...) \
    _sum(sizeof((int []){ __VA_ARGS__ }) / sizeof(int), (int []){ __VA_ARGS__ })

The ... mean it's a variadic macro, ie it takes any number of comma-seperated arguments. On expansion, the special preprocessor token __VA_ARGS__ will be replaced with these arguments, ie

(int []){ __VA_ARGS__ }

expands to

(int []){ 1, 2, 3 }

This is a compound literal: C99 allows to create objects with automatic storage duration on-the-fly via such a typed initialization list.

It's important that the size of the array will be inferred: It won't have incomplete type int [] but will be of type int [3], ie

sizeof((int []){ 1, 2, 3 }) = sizeof(int [3]) = 3 * sizeof(int)

To get the number of elements, divide by sizeof(int).

The macro invocation sum(1, 2, 3) is therefore equivalent to the C90 code

int tmp[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
_sum(3, tmp);