I have searched all the custom tasks in Extension Pack and Community Tasks and finally found a task called Msi.Istall in SDC Tasks. But the documentation is bad and causes problems. I get errors regarding the properties passed to the installer. So I wrote a custom task that calls PsExec.exe from Msbuild but it hangs...
Below is my Install target :
<Target Name="Deploy">
<!-- Copy the MSI package into the remote m/c -->
<CreateItem Include="\\grpdev1\Sharing\Build Script\ RC3.2\Server Applications\**\*.*">
<Output ItemName="Source" TaskParameter="Include"/>
<Copy SourceFiles="@(Source)" DestinationFolder="\\lta0\c$\TestRemoteInstall\%(Source.RecursiveDir)"/>
<!--Install on a Remote Machine-->
<Install PsexecTool="$(PsexecTool)" ServerName="$(ServerName)" Username="$(Username)" Password="$(Password)"
MsiPath="$(MsiPath)" DBServerName="$(DBServerName)" DBName="$(DBName)" DBUsername="$(DBUsername)"
DBPassword="$(DBPassword)" AdminUsername="$(AdminUsername)" Condition="'$(InstallFlag)' == 'Y'"
AdminPassword="$(AdminPassword)" InstallLogPath="$(InstallLogPath)"/>
Any ideas where I am going wrong? I have also been asked not to use intermediate scripts like batch files though that will work.. Looking to install directly from msbuild task.