



Facing a need for a single CMS we can use for rapid deployment of customized CMS solutions, I am wondering if anyone can share any constructive feedback, experiences, pros and cons of this, seemingly powerful, piece of software.

The whole story/marketing pitch sounds solid, and from a quick glance at the CMS itself things seem to be put together in a coherent and pretty flexible way. I am however looking for first hand experiences as they usually reflect the real situation way better than anything else.

If you have used (or are still using) ezPublish for something, I would love to hear about it.


+1  A: 

I'v used ezPublish for quite a while and I can say its very flexible and allows a range of different solutions to quickly be developed with it. The ability to add content types is what makes it awesome.

It can be a little bit slow at times, but with proper caching set up it can also be really fast.

+1  A: 

Having in mind all good points of eZ Publish you should be aware of bad ones. From programmer point of view: Most of the system was written in php4, and was rewritten in a hurry, to make it works with php5. Lack of design patterns and object oriented approach in kernel, makes system hard to develope with, and to read its code. To add some heavier functionality not supplied by CMS, you can use extension system. Problem is programming extensions is slow and painful (documentation only in code). There is quite good technical documentation on but most of it is for webdesigners.
