I am new to mobile content developing, but i want to create a mobile content that would allow mobile phone users buy have a money account on thir mobile phones, this is by using their airtime to turn into some kind of money account they will create on their phone. so they can use that account to do transactions with their mobile phone, and also they can also transfer funds from one their mobile phones to another mobile phones. How and where do i start?
This isn't a technical issue, it's more legal/contractual. The technical bit could easily be solved with sms, encryption and some server side bookkeeping.
To get this to work you need agreements with most/all the larger cellphone providers (in your target area) and work closely with them.
I don't think most providers want the minutes/money to leave their "network".
This is anecdotal so take it with a heap of salt.
I have a plan I pay $$/month this "pot" I can use on mms/sms/gprs and regular talking. But in my town I can also pay my bus fare by sending a sms. The cost of this bus-sms is always added to my monthly bill and never subtracted from my pot.
2009-09-07 11:08:39