This is something I will be able to do, but I'm curious to hear people's ideas about the best way to do it. I have an XML file sitting on the web at and I am writing a web service that will take that data and convert it to a DataTable object, then return the datatable. We're using c# 3.5. What do you think is the best way to tackle this?
Simply download the XML file to your local disk, and then create the DataTable, and call DataTable.ReadXml(filename) on it..... or am I missing something....
The DataTable.ReadXml even supports a stream - so you could hook it up directly to your WebResponse stream from downloading the XML from that URL.
(this is untested, from memory - but should give you an idea how to approach this):
DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable();
HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri("http://someplace/somefile.xml");
myRequest.Method = "GET";
WebResponse myResponse;
myResponse = myRequest.GetResponse();
using (Stream responseStream = myResponse.GetResponseStream())
{ }
2009-09-07 13:52:04
I don't want the IO cost, is my only option to loop through and XML document in memory and manually add it to the data table?
2009-09-07 14:00:06
Sorry, lazy reading. I can use the web request stream. Sounds great!
2009-09-07 14:01:51
You can parse your XML to DataSet and get it's DataTable:
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
dataSet.ReadXml("input.xml", XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);
2009-09-07 13:53:38
Actually, the XML sits outside my domain, so I would have to save it to the disk, and then load it. I was hoping to avoid the IO cost there.
2009-09-07 13:56:57