Perhaps this is normal, but in my Oracle 11g database I am seeing programmers using Oracle's SQL Developer regularly consume more than 100MB of combined UGA and PGA memory. I'd like to know if this is normal and what can be done about it. Our database is on the 32 bit version of Windows 2008, so memory limitations are becoming an increasing concern. I am using the following query to show the memory usage:
SELECT e.SID, e.username, e.status, b.PGA_MEMORY
FROM v$session e
(select y.SID, y.value pga,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(y.value/1024/1024),99999999) || ' MB' PGA_MEMORY
from v$sesstat y, v$statname z
where y.STATISTIC# = z.STATISTIC# and NAME = 'session pga memory') b
ON e.sid=b.sid
WHERE (PGA)/1024/1024 > 20
It seems that the resource usage goes up any time a table is opened in SQLDeveloper, but even when it is closed the memory does not go away. The problem is worse if the table is sorted while it was open as that seems to use even more memory. I understand how this would use memory while it is sorting, and perhaps even while it is still open, but to use memory after it is closed seems wrong to me. Can anyone confirm this?
Update: I discovered that my numbers were off due to not understanding that the UGA is stored in the PGA under dedicated server mode. This makes the numbers lower than they were, but the problem still remains that SQL Developer seems to use excessive PGA.