I am trying to get top countries list froma list of ips in my database, With sql query i return a data table consist of data like below
IP IpCount
On data bind to a repeater control im using Maxmind Ip to Country db to get country name
As you would imagine if some IPs are from same country i get same country listed couple of times in repeater control like
USA - 3
USA - 1
DE - 2
What i am trying to achive is to do a query to my data table to group by country name and add number of IPs from that country so result woul be
USA - 4
De - 2
I can not do this on sql server side because my function gets country name from a binary file in file system (see http://www.maxmind.com/app/csharp)
with Lee's help i got below query working but in that query instead of CountryName=group.Key i want to select row "CountryName"
TopCountriesRepeater.DataSource = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(row => row.Field<string>("CountryCode"))
.Select(group => new
CountryCode = group.Key,
CountryName = group.Key,
UsersFromIp = group.Sum(row => row.Field<int>("UsersFromIp"))
Update 2
I've got it working with
var query = from row in ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable()
group row by new
CountryCode = row.Field<string>("CountryCode"),
CountryName = row.Field<string>("CountryName")
into grp orderby grp.Sum(r => r.Field<int>("UsersFromIp")) descending
select new
CountryCode = grp.Key.CountryCode,
CountryName = grp.Key.CountryName,
UsersFromIp = grp.Sum(r => r.Field<int>("UsersFromIp"))