



Smarty is used to render a select and handle the localization:

<select name="divisions">
    {section name=i loop=$divisions}
        {assign var='name' value=$divisions[i].name}
        {assign var='code' value=$divisions[i].code}

        <option value="{$code}" {if $user.division == $code}selected=yes{/if}>
            {eval var=$name}

The problem is, that although the code is always the same, the name is different in the various languages and the select should be sorted by the later.

But I can't figure out a solution, since I would need to combine {eval var=$name} with assign in which case I could implement the following`:

  1. First section: replace code with the value from {eval}
  2. Sort the array via {php} based on $divisions[i].name
  3. Second section: output

I have a client based solution, but it's more a workaround then anything I'd like to use.