




Which gets called first - the base constructor or "other stuff here"?

public class MyExceptionClass : Exception
    public MyExceptionClass(string message, string extrainfo) : base(message)
        //other stuff here

I'd say base

EDIT see:


there it says:

using System;
class Base

public Base()
    Console.WriteLine("BASE 1");
public Base(int x)
    Console.WriteLine("BASE 2");

class Derived : Base
public Derived():base(10)
    Console.WriteLine("DERIVED CLASS");

class MyClient
public static void Main()
    Derived d1 = new Derived();

This program outputs



+21  A: 

The base constructor will be called first.

try it:

public class MyBase
  public MyBase()

public class MyDerived : MyBase
  public MyDerived():base()
+1  A: 


Base Constructor gets called first.

+1  A: 

The Exception Constructor will be called, then your Child class constructor will be called.

Simple OO principle

Have a look here http://www.dotnet-news.com/lien.aspx?ID=35151

+4  A: 

Actually, the derived class constructor is executed first, but the C# compiler inserts a call to the base class constructor as first statement of the derived constructor.

So: the derived is executed first, but it "looks like" the base was executed first.

Paolo Tedesco
This is one of those cases where context is important - in CLR terms, the derived constructor is executed first. In C# terms, the base constructor is executed first. There are a few oddities like this where the specs disagree; for instance, on whether structs have a parameterless constructor or not.
Jon Skeet
Actually, it looks like I spoke too fast. Now I've consulted the spec, and while it says that the constructor-initializer is executed before the constructor-body, that counts as being included in the overall constructor. So you're entirely right from both perspectives :)
Jon Skeet
+21  A: 

Base class constructors get called before derived class constructors, but derived class initializers get called before base class initializers. E.g. in the following code:

public class BaseClass {

    private string sentenceOne = null;  // A

    public BaseClass() {
     sentenceOne = "The quick brown fox";  // B

public class SubClass : BaseClass {

    private string sentenceTwo = null; // C

    public SubClass() {
     sentenceTwo = "jumps over the lazy dog"; // D

Order of execution is: C, A, B, D.

Check out these 2 msdn articles:

Sam Meldrum
+1 for the MSDN links
Gavin Miller

The 'bass' constructor :)


The base constructor will be called first, otherwise, in cases where your "other stuff" must make use of member variables initialized by your base constructor, you'll get compile time errors because your class members will not have been initialized yet.

Member variables don't have the same concept of definite assignment as local variables. They have a default value. What's interesting in C# is that the variable initializers are run *before* the base constructor instead of after. (Java has the latter behaviour.)
Jon Skeet

base(?) is called before any work is done in the child constructor.

This is true, even if you leave off the :base() (in which case, the 0-parameter base constructor is called.)

It works similar to java,

public Child()
   super(); // this line is always the first line in a child constructor even if you don't put it there! ***

*** Exception: I could put in super(1,2,3) instead. But if I don't put a call to super in explicitly, super() is called.

It's slightly different to Java, because of the order of variable initializers.See http://pobox.com/~skeet/csharp/constructors.html for details.
Jon Skeet
That's why I used the word "similar"
+2  A: 

As others have said, the base constructor gets called first. However, constructors are not really the first thing that happens.

Let's say you have classes like this:

class A {}

class B : A {}

class C : B {}

First, field initializers will be called in order of most-derived to least-derived classes. So first field initializers of C, then B, then A.

The constructors will then be called in the opposite order: First A's constructor, then B, then C.

Joel B Fant

Constructor calls are called (fired) from the bottom up, and executed from the top down. Thus, if you had Class C which inherits from Class B which inherits from Class A, when you create an instance of class C the constructor for C is called, which in turn calls the instructor for B, which again in turn calls the constructor for A. Now the constructor for A is executed, then the constructor for B is executed, then the constructor for C is executed.

+4  A: 

Don't try to remember it, try to explain to yourself what has to happen. Imagine that you have base class named Animal and a derived class named Dog. The derived class adds some functionality to the base class. Therefore when the constructor of the derived class is executed the base class instance must be available (so that you can add new functionality to it). That's why the constructors are executed from the base to derived but destructors are executed in the opposite way - first the derived destructors and then base destructors.

(This is simplified but it should help you to answer this question in the future without the need to actually memorizing this.)

David Pokluda

Eric Lippert had an interesting post on the related issue of object initialization, which explains the reason for the ordering of constructors and field initializers:

Why Do Initializers Run In The Opposite Order As Constructors? Part One
Why Do Initializers Run In The Opposite Order As Constructors? Part Two

Emperor XLII