Assuming linux:
The interface to setting the affinity is - as you've probably already discovered:
int sched_setaffinity(pid_t pid,size_t cpusetsize,cpu_set_t *mask);
Passing 0 as the pid, and it'll apply to the current thread only, or have other thread report their kernel pid with the linux specific call pid_t gettid(void); and pass that in as the pid.
Quoting the man page
The affinity mask is actually a per-thread attribute that can be
adjusted independently for each of the
threads in a thread group. The value
returned from a call to gettid(2) can
be passed in the argument pid.
Specifying pid as 0 will set the
attribute for the calling thread, and
passing the value returned from a call
to getpid(2) will set the attribute
for the main thread of the thread
group. (If you are using the POSIX
threads API, then use
pthread_setaffinity_np (3) instead of