




I have an image floating on the left side of the screen. Link can be seen here (www.mibsolutionsllc.com/proc_dev). How can I make that image a link? What is the terminology so I can research it on Google for answer? Any help is greatly appreciated.

+1  A: 

The best way will be to use an anchor tag.

<a href="yourfilepath"><img src="imagepath" /></a>

Anchor Tag - Images as Links

+2  A: 

Unless I am misunderstanding your question...to make a link you have to surround the img tag with a tags.

<a href="url.html">
    <img src="".../>
Vincent Ramdhanie
If you view the url you will see that the image is in a css div and floating on the side of the page. I guess I just wrap that css div as an a link?
Do you mean that you do not have an img tag?
Vincent Ramdhanie
it is being called via css. it is in a css div floating on the left side of the screen always in the middle of the screen
+1  A: 

While wrapping your in an might work, I don't think you're allowed to put block-level elements inside an (like you suggest on Vincent Ramdhanie's answer). Because of that, I would recommend this:

<div class="sidebox">
    <a href="http://example.com"&gt;

Then, for your styles:

div.sidebox {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

div.sidebox a {
    display: block;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

The width and height for the and the should both be the same for this to work.

On second thought, the width and height properties for "div.sidebox a" might only need to be 100%, and not an absolute measurement. You may want to experiment with that.