




Suppose I have some XmlElement; let's call it element. If I want to get all of the child nodes of that element, I can call element.ChildNodes. If I want the text of the element and all its children, then I can go with element.InnerText.

However, suppose I have some XML that looks like this:

<TopElement attr1="value1" attr2="value2">
    This is the text I want.
    <ChildElement1>This is text I don't want.</ChildElement1>
    <ChildElement2>This is more text I don't want.</ChildElement2>

If I go with element.InnerText, what I get is this:

This is the text I want.This is text I don't want.This is more text I don't want.

If I want just the text within TopElement but NOT any of its children, I can do this:

Dim txt As String
For Each child As Xml.XmlNode In XmlElement.ChildNodes
    If TypeOf child Is Xml.XmlText Then
        txt = child.InnerText
        Exit For
    End If

But this seems quite silly to me. Surely there is a better way?

EDIT: Sorry I didn't specify this initially: I'm looking for a solution not involving LINQ (we're in the Dark Ages over here with .NET 2.0).


use linq to xml

wow, specific...an example would probably be of help
I'm actually looking for something non-LINQ. I've specified that now in my question. Thanks, though.
Dan Tao
+2  A: 

Technically, the text within the TopElement is a childnode.

class Program
    static string xml = @"<Top>Text<child/><child/></Top>";

    static void Main(string[] args)
        XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();


The main problem I see with this answer is that it assumes ChildNodes[0] will be text. I don't know for sure that there will be top-level text; I want to see IF there is, and if so, to get it.
Dan Tao
Absolutely. I don't see anything wrong with the solution you've provided above. InnerText takes the text of all childnodes. If you want the text of a specific childNode, you will have to iterate through them to find it.
+1  A: 
Dim txt As String

If TypeOf XmlElement.FirstChild Is Xml.XmlText Then
        txt = XmlElement.FirstChild.InnerText
End If
I like this answer; however, it does assume that if there is top-level text, it will be the first child. Consider something like this: <elem1><elem2>Unwanted text</elem2>Wanted text</elem1>. In this case your code would miss the wanted text.
Dan Tao
if the text can be anywhere between child nodes, an iteration is needed and your solution is great.
+2  A: 
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

//Find the first child whos type is XmlText
var nodeYouWant = document.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.OfType<System.Xml.XmlText>().FirstOrDefault();


Since you can't use LINQ, you can still use the good ol' XQuery and request the node text

XmlNode nodeYouWant = document.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("./text()");

This will work even if the text you want is between the two child nodes.

Pierre-Alain Vigeant
+2  A: 

You can use an XPath expression that specifically looks for a text node (sorry for the C#)

XmlText text = doc.SelectSingleNode("/TopElement/text()") as XmlText;
if (text != null)

(Where doc is an XmlDocument containing your XML)

Peter van der Heijden
This is exactly what I was looking for. Nice!
Dan Tao

Here is an example that will give you the request text:

static void Main(string[] args)
            var document = XDocument.Load("../../TestXmlFile.xml");

            if(document.Root == null) return; 

            var text = ((XText) document.Root.FirstNode).Value; 

