



At the top level I have a Person class. Next I want .NET's MembershipUser class to inherit from it, because a member is a person. However I want to extend the MembershipUser class which means, I think, I need to create my OWN MembershipUser class which inherits from MembershipUser and then adds my own properties. But once I do that, I can no longer inherit from Person due to multiple inheritance rules (ASP.NET 2.0).

+1  A: 

You can solve this by creating an interface, IPerson and replacing your concrete Person class with a class which inherits from MembershipUser and implements IPerson.

You could also keep your concrete Person, create IPerson and have your own class encapsulate a Person instance and inherit from MembershipUser while implementing IPerson.

In either case, anywhere where you once used a concrete Person type you should replace with IPerson (such as method arguments).

interface IPerson
    string LastName { get; set; }
    // ...

class MyMembershipUser : MembershipUser, IPerson
    private Person _person = new Person();

    // constructors, etc.

    public string LastName
     get { return _person.LastName; }
     set { _person.LastName = value; }

Alternatively you could continue using Person and have it encapsulate a MembershipUser instance (as part of a constructor) and include an explicit cast for Person to MembershipUser when needed...

class Person
    private readonly MembershipUser _mu;
    public Person(MembershipUser mu)
     _mu = mu;

    public static explicit operator MembershipUser(Person p)
     // todo null check
     return p._mu;

// example
var person = new Person(Membership.GetUser("user"));

I would go with the interface implementation solution myself.
