A quick explanation about == and != in OCaml in addition to all the correct answers that have already been provided:
1/ == and != expose implementation details that you really don't want to know about. Example:
# let x = Some [] ;;
val x : 'a list option = Some []
# let t = Array.create 1 x ;;
val t : '_a list option array = [|Some []|]
# x == t.(0) ;;
- : bool = true
So far, so good, x and t.(0) are physically equal because t.(0) contains a pointer to the same block that x is pointing to. This is what basic knowledge of the implementation dictates. BUT:
# let x = 1.125 ;;
val x : float = 1.125
# let t = Array.create 1 x ;;
val t : float array = [|1.125|]
# x == t.(0) ;;
- : bool = false
What you are seeing here are the results of an otherwise useful optimization involving floats.
2/ On the other hand, there is a safe way to use ==, and that is as a quick but incomplete way to check for structural equality.
If you are writing an equality function on binary trees
let equal t1 t2 =
match ...
checking t1 and t2 for physical equality is a quick way to detect that they are obviously structurally equal, without even having to recurse and read them. That is:
let equal t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2
then true
match ...
And if you keep in mind that in OCaml the "boolean or" is "lazy",
let equal t1 t1 =
(t1 == t2) ||
match ...