I am new to Grails and currently using Grails 1.1.1. I don't know how to pass a list from a control/action to a view and then pass the same list from that view to another action. The reason I do this is to reuse the predefined object (a "list" in this case). Here is my scenario:
I have a search view (search.gsp) that calls the "search" action, which queries a database, stores the results in a list (using Hibernate Criteria), and renders that list on a result view (results.gsp). On the result.gsp, I have the export bar (using the grails export plugin) to export that list to an EXCEL file. I am having trouble with passing that list to the result view so that I can pass it to the "export" action.
I really appreciate the help if someone can give an advice on this. Thanks.