I'm trying to redirect pages from several old domains on one new domain on a page-to-page basis, that is:
page 1: http://www.example.org/default.asp?id=1 redirects to http://www.example2.org/newpage.html page 2: http://www.example2.org/default.asp?id=2 redirects to http://www.example.org/contact.html
...and so on. Every old page will redirect to a specific new page.
I have tried to write something in .htaccess along the lines of
Redirect 301 http://www.example.org/default.asp?id=1 h-tp://www.example.org/newpage.html
Redirect 301 http://www.example2.org/default.asp?id=2 h-tp://www.example.org/contact.html
But no luck so far. mod_alias is enabled...
I also tried using RewriteCond and RewriteRule like this:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} example.org
RewriteRule default.asp?id=1 http://www.example.org/newpage.html [NC,L,R=301]
In other words: I want to do a page-by-page redirect from id-based to alias-based along with a merge of three sites/domains into one site.
I hope there is a useful solution. Thanks in advance!