




Is it a way to set up Resharper to search inside names (instead from beginning) ?
Eg assume when pressing Alt + \ in dialog's results I can see

  • JohnSmith
  • JonnyBalboa
  • MariaSmith

I'm looking for all members contain 'Smith' substring - so I'm forced to use asterisk: *Smith

But I want just enter 'Smith' without anything more (like in DPack)

I've opened R# ticket for this. If anyone interested PLEASE VOTE !


'Contains' mode was implemented in R# ver 5. Works perfectly. Even better I dreamed - intellisence also supports that! Try it and vote for it!

(RS v5. available here)


I don't believe this is available. You would always have to enter a '*' at the beginning.

If you feel that this is a feature you would use (personally I think I'd find it annoying as I usually search for items by prefix) then you can enter a suggestion on their issue tracking site:


Not directly related to your question, but one way of searching for an exact match (i.e. not a prefix) is to include a space after your search term.

Drew Noakes
I don't really think this is annoying - eg if you have implemented event "Form_Load" you can just enter "Load" to navigate - "Form" is v.common.Of course we can always try rename VS auto generated events to be more uniq. / fit to R# searching method etcBut I think R# shall be more flexible in that matter and give config option allowing user searching as he like :)Anyway thanks for URL - I'll definitely put there my suggestion.
I work on quite large solution files with many 3rd party and in-house APIs loaded. Searching by prefix already often turns up more results than I'd like, so having a 'contains' versus a 'startswith' search would return even more. I also don't see how you could do a one-off startswith search if your suggestion was implemented. Let us know what JetBrains say about your suggestion!
Drew Noakes
Drew, we are already experimenting with 'contains' mode, and we don't like how it works now, but we have some ideas about how to make it much better. Let's wait for 5.0 :)
Ilya Ryzhenkov
Ilya, based on some of the long-term issues I'm seeing closed against version 5, I'm looking forward to seeing what's in the release.
Drew Noakes
@Ilya - I dont know wy you dont like how contains work. Do you like how actually *search_pattern work? I do :) So please add additional option in R# cfg not forcing on me putting asterisk each time I start searching :)
@Maciej, adding an option is the last thing we would like to do. There are already lots of options in ReSharper. I'd like to cut half of them, actually :)
Ilya Ryzhenkov

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