




I'm having issues with trying to use Zend_Form_SubForm and sessions. My controller is in essance acting a wizard showing different subforms depending on the stage of the wizard. Using the example I am planning on storing the forms in a session namespace.

My controller looks like this.

include 'mylib/Form/addTaskWizardForm.php';

class AddtaskController extends Zend_Controller_Action{

private $config = null;
private $log = null;
private $subFormSession = null;

 * This function is called and initialises the global variables to this object
 * which is the configuration details and the logger to write to the log file.
public function init(){

    $this->config = Zend_Registry::getInstance()->get('config');
    $this->log = Zend_Registry::getInstance()->get('log');

    //set layout

    //we need to get the subforms and
    $wizardForms = new addTaskWizardForm();        

    $this->subFormSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('addTaskWizardForms');

        $this->subFormSession->subforms = $wizardForms;


 * The Landing page controller for the site.
public function indexAction(){

    $form = $this->subFormSession->subforms->getSubForm('start');

    $this->view->form = $form;

However this is causing the application session to crash out with

Uncaught exception 'Zend_Session_Exception' with message 'Zend_Session::start()

Any idea why this is having issues with the Zend Session??



It's very weird, the only place I see that a message like that is sent is on lines 435 to 446 of Zend/Session.php.

Are you trying to run that code through a unit test?, check that there isn't any headers sent before initializing the Session.


Make sure there are no spaces, new lines or any other characters sent before the session start. Especially if you have include and your <?php is prepended with space or starts on 2nd line of the file.

michal kralik